Total Video Player


Total Video Player supports 3gp, Mp4, H264, Mov, Flv and all other popular video and audio formats (Mp3, Wma, Ogg, Mpeg-1,Mpeg-2, etc.) as well as DVDs, CD Audio and Swf Flash Files. Total Video Player is special multimedia software that has been designed to help users play the videos and other types of media files of their choice. The software is easy to download and install and also promises to be easy to use whenever there is a type of media file that cannot be played in the usual way for some reason.

Total Video Player

Total Video Player Windows 10 Free Download & Install Guide

Total Video Player 1.31. Media player that’s compatible with all formats Total Video Player is a Windows video player that supports most video and audio codecs out PRO: Simple to use CON: Doesn't handle audio well Vote: 6.8/10 (681 votes) Platform: Windows. Total Video Player - Freely Play AVI on Mac Absolutely free, very powerful! No need install any video codecs with this small size's tool to play almost any media formats! Supports the following file formats. Total Video Player is a Windows video player that supports most video and audio codecs out of the box. Like many video players these days, Total Video Player takes after VLC, which is a good thing. Casual users can enjoy this program with ease, but it still offers most options advanced users want.

Step 1. Free & Green Download Total Video Player Windows 10 on:
Official site:

Total Video Player For Windows 10 64 Bit

Step 2. Install Total Video Player for Windows 10 PC: Click the Total Video Player Windows 10 download button to download Total Video Player Windows 10 setup ->Double-click the .exe -> Follow the guide to install Total Video Player Windows 10 on your PC.

Any Video Player Download

Notice: During the installation, you will find that v1.31 is the latest version of Total Video Player that was updated on Dec 20, 2007, meaning that this video player may be old enough to adapt to Windows 10 OS and handle some new trendy media files. Don't worry, you still have a total video player Windows 10 alternative if the installation on Windows 10 fails. And the trouble shooting of Total Video Player Windows 10 playing issues will be solved below to get your media files played smoothly.