Jira Description Markdown



I was able to implement/use the JIRA REST v3 api, it’s pretty straightforward to create Issues through the API: https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/rest/v3/#api-rest-api-3-issue-post

Jira Description Markdown

The problem is that by default we can create only text based descriptions.
I noticed JIRA has it’s own rich text / mark down structured text format (ADF = Atlassian Document Format).
Since we’re using HTML in our client, we need to find a way convert HTML to JIRA “rich text” (ADF). Is there an API or a library to make this happen?

Jira Markdown Table

Jira description markdown example

Progress Jira ticket workflow in Org-mode. You can Resolve/Close/Reopen the jira ticket and so on, without leaving org-mode! Create new Jira issue in org mode. You can create new Jira issue within org mode. You will be prompted for Jira ticket information such as create in which project, assign to whom, and one-line summary, etc. Update custom field on JIRA issue using data from PostgreSQL database.

Jira Description Markdown Template

OR can JIRA api interpret standard Markdown as description?

What is the best way to do such a conversion?
Please advise.