Webex Umd

Webex Teams (formerly Cisco Spark) is a messaging, online meeting, screen sharing, and whiteboarding tool available to all University of Maryland faculty and staff. It complements the WebEx conferencing tool while adding additional features in a more easy-to-use package.

Webex Teams provides more personal and timely communication methods, and could improve the productivity of any team or workgroup.

Since version 0.109.0 of webex & @webex/plugin-meetings, Participant email has been removed to reduce PII. Please use participant identity ( members.membersCollection.membersid.participant.identity ) to lookup participant details via the /people endpoint. WebEx is now the Web conferencing solution at UMD. On August 30, 2017, Adobe Connect goes completely offline. Save your Adobe Connect recordings Don’t let the transition take you by surprise. Webex Teams (formerly Cisco Spark) is a messaging, online meeting, screen sharing, and whiteboarding tool available to all University of Maryland faculty and staff. It complements the WebEx conferencing tool while adding additional features in a more easy-to-use package.

So how do I get started?

  1. Read the Basic Guide to Using Webex Teams.
  2. Sign into Webex Teams for the first time. Go to https://teams.webex.com/ and enter your umd.edu email address.
  3. If you have a Mac or PC go to TERPware and download the Cisco Webex Teams client under the 'Web & Email' category. Once you log into Webex Teams, you can click on the plus sign and start chatting with anyone else at the university who uses Webex Teams.

If you have other questions, please visit the IT Service Center and search the IT Library for Webex Teams to access to helpful articles, instructions, and videos that will facilitate your experience.

Are You Prepared For an Extended Closure?

Click here to access our points of interest overview PDF document.

OACS Desktop Support Expectations:

To ensure that we are providing in-person desktop support in a safe manner, please be advised that OACS staff will be adhering to specific support guidelines and cleaning guidelines, which can be accessed below:

  • To access support guidelines, click here

Useful Links:

  • Central BSOS COVID-19 Updates:

    • BSOS is maintaining a central COVID-19 updates & resources webpage which references all centralized BSOS COVID-19 communications in addition to the BSOS command center email link (https://bsos.umd.edu/featured-content/covid-19-updates-resources)

  • Instructors / Students:

    • Instructor Related Resources:

      • Keep Teaching @ UMD | Course Migration / Support Resources (https://svp.umd.edu/keepteaching)

      • RH Smith School of Business Resource Page (https://otl.rhsmith.umd.edu/teaching-during-campus-closures#webex)

        • The above resource includes a wealth of information which ranges from ELMS/Canvas to WebEx
      • Learn More About Zoombombing and How to Prevent it (https://umd.service-now.com/itsupport?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0015411&sys_kb_id=d1338d41db4890904cb035623996190c)

    • Student Related Resources:

      • Student Technology Requests for Laptops / MiFi Devices (https://umd.service-now.com/itsupport/?id=sc_cat_item&sys_id=d41e0e59dbef8050965bd5ab5e961962)

      • Student Technology Resources - Based on the student technology survey (https://it.umd.edu/tech-resources)

      • Learn Remotely | Student Resources (https://svp.umd.edu/keepteaching/student-resources)

      • Student Guide for Using WebEx (https://umd.service-now.com/itsupport/?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0015357&sys_kb_id=beba74081bab0814ef518738cd4bcba4)

  • Faculty / Staff:

    • Recommended Resources:

      • Keep Working @ UMD (keepworking.umd.edu)

    • General Access Links:

      • Globalscape | BSOS Share Drive Access (https://remote.bsos.umd.edu/)

      • UMCP Cisco VPN Download Page (https://terpware.umd.edu/Windows/Title/1840)

        • Enter VPN.UMD.EDU as the connection address after installing
      • Office 365 / OneDrive - Access Word, Excel & PowerPoint Online (https://www.office.com/?auth=2)

      • Box (https://box.umd.edu) & Google Apps (https://gsuite.google.com/dashboard)

      • WebEx (https://webex.umd.edu)

      • Zoom (https://umd.zoom.us/)

BSOS Cloud Based Computer Labs:

BSOS provides cloud based virtual lab access to all courses meeting in our physical labs. We are also providing virtual open lab access to all BSOS students. The BSOS virtual labs (instructional / open) can be access at: https://bsoslab.umd.edu/rdweb. If you are a BSOS student not currently enrolled in a course which has a physical lab component, you can request virtual lab access by completing the following form: https://oacs.umd.edu/form/virtual-computer-access-request

  • Cloud Lab step-by-step connection / request instructions:
    • PC Connection Instructions - (https://marylandproject.umd.edu/virtualcomputerlab.pdf)
    • Mac Connection Instructions - (https://marylandproject.umd.edu/cloudlabmac.pdf)
  • Cloud Lab Notifications:
    • 3/21/2020: Cloud lab access will be available for instructors on 3/23/20 and students on 3/30/20

Note: Although Campus offers cloud based computing solutions, the BSOS solution will provide Faculty / Students with additional software not included in the Campus offering along with improved performance in many cases. Additionally, please be advised that BSOS online cloud labs are compatible with both PC as well as MAC.

BSOS Cloud Desktop Access (BSOS Cloud - Recommended):

The BSOS cloud desktop offering provides a fully backed-up hosted remote desktop solution with all of the software included on our standard computer images. If there is a Campus closure and you experience any issues with this environment, full support will be available to you during normal business hours.

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Key Advantages:

  • Fully Supported in the Event of a Campus Closure
  • 100% Backed Up
  • Access to all mapped drives
  • Located in a Supported Data Center (No Need to Worry About a Desktop Computer that did Not Boot Back Up or Crashed)

If you are interested in our online cloud desktop offering, you can request a virtual PC by completing the following request form: https://oacs.umd.edu/form/virtual-computer-access-request.

Remote Desktop Access (Office PC - Recommended in Limited Situations):

Did you know that in the event of a Campus closure, you can access your desktop computer remotely (this may require OACS assistance for certain user groups)?

Key Advantages:

  • If you have a high-end desktop and use it for high intensity number crunching applications, this access option will be preferred


  • Not Supported in the Event of Campus Closure
    • OACS may be unable to assist if your computer crashes or does not power back on and/or becomes inaccessible
  • Not Backed Up


Instructions To Enable Remote Desktop on Windows 10 using Control Panel:

  1. Open the Control Panel (Type and then select Control Panel in the Windows task bar search box to the right of the Windows start button)
  2. Click on System and Security.
  3. Under the “System” section, click the Allow remote access link.
  4. Under the “Remote Desktop” section, select the Allow remote connections to this computer option.
  5. Click the Apply button.
  6. Click the OK button.

Make a note of your IP address so that you can easily connect while working remote. This can be done via: https://whatismyipaddress.com/.

To access your remote machine, you will need to first connect to the Campus VPN. If you do not have the Cisco VPN client installed on your computer, you can download it here: https://terpware.umd.edu/Windows/Title/1840; the vpn address post install is vpn.umd.edu. After connecting to the Campus VPN, you will open the remote desktop icon, which can be found in the 'Accessories' folder from your Windows start menu. Once the remote desktop window displays, enter the IP address found from the step above and click connect.


Be advised that if you are connecting to your desktop computer remotely and your computer crashes or powers off and does not power back on (updates, sleep / hibernation mode, power surge / failure, etc.), OACS will not be able to assist you in recovering your data or powering your machine back on in the event of a Campus closure.

Webex Umd.edu

Important Student Technology Survey (Now Closed):


Join Webex Meeting Online

'As the university prepares to move course instruction online after spring break, the Division of Information Technology (DIT) is gauging students’ access to off-campus technology and familiarity the university’s web-based learning platform through a new online survey.

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The survey, which runs today through 11:59 p.m. tomorrow, contains three sections: one on technology access, one on knowledge of the ELMS-Canvas platform and another for demographic information. Among the questions: whether students have reliable access to devices like desktop or laptop computers, tablets and equipment for audio-video connections; whether they have broadband internet and reliable cellular coverage; how many of their classes use ELMS-Canvas and if they’ve previously communicated with instructors through the platform.
DIT will use this information to identify technology and training resources needed to support UMD students.'

Webex Umd


Webex Kamera Umdrehen